Disability cannot be shunned away. Disability needs to be accepted by the individuals as well as society. Persons with disability are prevalent in the society but they are denied access to many things that they deserve rightfully as humans. Our mission is to provide the differently-abled various avenues to the world through accessibility, education, empowent and rehabilitation. Accessibility beyond barriers a horizon of hope.

Meet Our Team

Dr. Sanket K. Khadilkar

Im a physical therapist by profession, having worked in the field of disability for over 10 years. I have worked and headed the therapy department of Cheshire Home, Mumbai which is a U.K based N.G.O working towards disability.I also have my own clinic in Vileparle,Mumbai which is committed to rehabilitation of differently abled children and adults. While treating children with disabilities, a question used to constantly nudge me-‘What is the future of differently abled children in our country?’. Having seen children with Cerebral palsy as my primary clients, and knowing for a fact that they would grow to become adults with Cerebral palsy , I sensed Rehabilitation, though surely a means to improve quality of life across lifespan; was one component of child’s life. Inclusive education, Employment, Accessible infrastructure were surely some of the other crucial components as the child with C.P would grow to become an adult. I am good friends with Jasmina Khanna, one of the trustees of Access- To-Hope, who always was involved in disability activism from the very beginning. Jasmina also used to do peer-to-peer counselling for teenagers and adults with disability at my clinic. We decided to start working together for the cause of disability and thus Access-to-Hope was born. Our vision is to work towards accessibility,education and rehabilitation of children and adults with disabilities and in doing so, sensitise the society towards disability.

Ms. Jasmina Khanna

I am having cerebral palsy; hence, a wheelchair user. While I can only type with one finger (my left hand’s index finger), I have built a successful career as a software tester, with an expertise in web and database testing. I completed my schooling from a special school called ADAPT formerly known as Spastic Society of India. I passed out school in the year 1989, completed my graduation from St. Xavier’s college in 1994, and did my M.A. from Mumbai University in 2004. I started working in my current company, Eviden, which is part of Atos, (Formerly Syntel Pvt Ltd now acquired by Atos) which is an MNC from the year 2010. I also focus on activism for accessibility and equality for the persons with disability in India, where there is very little understanding or will to change. A thirst bring about a positive change in the disability sector in India culminated to form our NGO Access To Hope along with a very good friend of mine Dr. Sanket Khadilkar a Physiotherapist by profession who happens to share same passion and zeal. I wish our society became broadminded about their attitudes towards people with disabilities.  If given an opportunity we can work and be productive. On the other hand, people with disability should not give up easily.  I believe every accomplishment starts with a decision to try.
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