Accessibility What is Accessibility? Ability to access some system/entity that makes things accessible to able-bodied and disabled people. Design of a product/environment that can be acessed by PwDs (Person with Disabilities)and able-bodied , thus it becomes a universal design. ACCESSIBILITY IS RELEVANT TO LOCOMOTORVISUAL IMPAIRMENTHEARING IMPAIRMENTSPEECH IMPAIRMENTINTELLECTUAL DISABILITIESINVISIBLE DISABILITIES (AUTISM,ADHD,etc.)SENIOR CITIZENSPREGNANT WOMEN Why accessibility is important ? It brings about social inclusion of people with disabilities into the mainstream.Disabled friendly infrastructure can be accessed by all.Infrastructure for the abled bodied does not necessarily become accessible for PwDs(Person with Disabilities) Guidelines for infrastructure access in India: Sugamya Bharat Abhiyaan(Accessibility Campaign India(2016) (Guidelines) PwD (Person with Disability) Act 2016 (Guidelines) It mandates that PwDs be provided with equal opportunities and protect their rights to full participation. Spaces to be designed to suit the needs of all PwDs. Section 45 mentions that all public spaces should be made accessible within 5 years of amendment notification. Model building Bye-laws 2015 It mandates barrier-free environments are maintained to ensure inclusive cities and universal designs. Relevance of Accessible Public Transport in Metropolitan Cities: Long distance travel required in metropolitan cities.Public transport has good connectivity. Cost-effective.Private transport services are expensive. DISABILITY ETIQUETTES: TRAINING OF STAFF ON HOW TO INTERACT WITH PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIESSYMPATHY VS EMPATHY(PITY VS COMPASSION)HELP ONLY IF ASKED BY A PWDKEEP PATIENCE WHILE INTERACTING WITH PwDsTRY TO UNDERSTAND THE PERSON,NOT THE DISABILITY